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Help! I Can't be the Chosen One!

A High Fantasy Isekai Setting

What is it?

Down for re-writing atm. Not sure when I'll have it back up.


Companions and Villains


More Characters Coming Soon.


Traveler of the Places In-between

OC | Help! I Can't Be the Chosen One! | High Fantasy Isekai | AnyPOV | HumanUser | 511 Word Intro
Traits: Free Spirit, Playful, Puckish, Effervescent, Self-interested, Calculating, Cunning, Manipulative, Competitive, Protective.
Bot is undergoing another rewrite.
Scenario: Freshly plucked from another time and place on Namaerius, User will soon awake to find themselves in an unfamiliar castle. Reverie has been watching over them, resolved to keep them from harm. That may be difficult as the situation within the castle unfolds. The Coven, thirteen witches who quietly rule Askrynn from the background, will soon summon User and Reverie to speak with them. While Queen Tyantia doesn't appear pleased in the least with User's presence in her realm. She also may just have some plans of her own.
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Hunter in the Bracken

Coming Soon.



Beings of Namaerius

WIP. I may add, remove or edit as I work on the story and setting.


Unique and Disorganized

If no species is a monolith, Feykin are even less so. They are the offspring of Fey and any of the mortal, sentient species. As such, they can be incredibly varied in appearance and temperament.There are few villages that consist mainly of Feykin. By and large, they live independently of each other and their parent species. This is sometimes out of necessity, as Feykin aren’t always thought of kindly. Because they’re so varied, many narrow-minded people have decided that they’re untrustworthy.Feykin have wide ranging appearances. The blood of their Fey parents can produce offspring that look like few other living creatures. Animalistic or plant-like features aren’t out of the norm for a Feykin.Most are longer lived than humans, but this isn’t a rule. Others go in the opposite direction, leading much shorter lives that usual.



Children of Fey and Humankind

Elves are the offspring of Fey from the Seelie court and the first humans who arrived in Namaerius, thousands of years ago. Their magic is not as potent as a Fey, but is stronger than their human relatives.Unlike Feykin, Elves are organized and live in tightly-knit, orderly communities. There are two major Elven kingdoms. One southeast of the kingdom of Askrynn and another in the far north of Namaerius. The more pacifistic and introverted nature of Elves has led to their being pressed from lands they once ruled in the early days of Namaerius. They’re long-lived, but not immortal like Fey.Reflecting their Seelie blood, elven skin tones range from deep and melanin rich to subtly tan. Most have brown or black hair, but there are the occasional red heads or blondes.Elves live for several hundred years. To compensate, they have extremely low libidos by human standards. Most elves will have no more than two children per couple for their entire lives.



The First Namaerians

Fey are defined by their heritage. Either from the Seelie court, a place of perpetual spring, summer, growth and life. Or The Unseelie court, a wintry, autumnal land of change and entropy. The days of Fey dominance on Namaerius have long since passed. The ruins of their once prosperous cities lie overgrown in the forests and on the plains. As the younger species encroached, the Fey steadily retreated beyond the Veil.
Immortal, they watch over Namaerius from another world entirely. Wild and independently minded by nature, each Fey largely does as they please. They’re beholden only to the tenants of their court, and ultimately to the word of their King and Queen.While each court has never become officially embroiled in politics or conflict among mortals, Fey are constantly meddling in the affairs of Namaerius. Individual Fey pick and choose their favorites, giving gifts and occasionally even abducting mortals they fancy.Fey from the Seelie court have rich melanated skin and hair of various natural colors. Unseelie Fey tend to be much paler, with hair in cool colors, including white or silver.They’re unaging and eternally young but can die from illness or injury.



Travelers and Warriors

It’s said that when humans were being created by the gods, each had a piece of themselves to add. The goddess of war and the goddess of wanderlust had a dispute over who should add the most. When the goddess of creation wasn’t looking, each added a hearty helping of their spirit. Forging a combative species that seems to have an innate desire to explore and roam.Of all the species, humanity has spread the most widely across Namaerius. Despite their warlike nature, humans are gregarious and capable of cohabitating with almost any other species. For these two reasons, their kingdoms are often made up of an amalgamation of different species and peoples.They’re also the most plentiful. The largest kingdoms are human ruled. Unfortunately, this has come at great cost for species such as Orcs and Gnolls. Humans moved into their lands hundreds of years ago, displacing them and absorbing them into human society.Like Feykin, Human looks vary greatly. From deep, richly toned skin to milky white. While they can have black, red, brown, blonde and every natural shade of hair in between.Humans age quickly compared to other races, certain individuals can reach 100 years old at most.



Craftsmen and Survivors

Orc civilization was once spread across the grassy plains of northeastern Namaerius. They were semi-nomadic, preferring more portable wood, hide, and cloth structures over stone. This way, their lands were easily rotated and never overworked.Over the last several hundred years, humanity steadily encroached on Orcish lands. The wars and battles between the two were fierce. Orcs with their technical brilliance and ingenuity in tactics. Humanity had the edge in numbers and fervor, which seemed to gradually turn the tide in their favor.Assimilation into human society hasn’t been simple nor kind. Orc culture places great emphasis on crafting and building with quality. Human leaders have never failed to take advantage of this. In lands where orcs and humans traditionally fought, they face bigotry and inequality. Many Orcs are forced into service as blacksmiths and craftsmen for various Lords and Ladies. In the further flung kingdoms, Orcs often find more equal treatment among the other species, including their old enemies.Orcish skin was once primarily different shades of green. Their hair varying shades of black. Overtime, they’ve gathered more human like traits as the two species interbred. Some orcs are now even born with human skin tones and hair colors. Hale and hearty, they can live for up to a century longer than a human. Orc gestation takes up to three months longer than that of a human’s. They tend to focus on producing fewer children, heavily investing resources into those they already have.



Wide-ranging and Free-spirited

“Beastkin” is an umbrella term used for many different species. Gnolls, werewolves and lizardfolk are some examples. They all have separate and distinct cultures or features. Many resent the term as too demeaning and generalized.Gnolls once shared the grassy expanses of northeastern Namaerius with Orcs. As the latter was conquered, Gnolls were forced southwards and now inhabit the drier, less fertile plains north of Askrynn. Consequently, they are often openly hostile with any humans they encounter. Nomadic, they drive their herds of cattle to different seasonal pastures. They supplement their food stores with hunting. Similar to the hyenas that they resemble, Gnolls have a strict matriarchal structure to their society. A single female makes decisions for the group, supported by the wisdom of her sisters. Males are not allowed to lead and often have their futures decided by their matriarch.Werewolves are typically solitary, and found within the societies of other species, particularly humans. In the larger, more distant forests, there are independent clans of lycanthropes. They unite and choose a leader based off a series of games and tourneys every few years. A naturally born werewolf has complete control over their shapeshifting abilities. Able to appear mostly human with canine ears and tail, as a large wolf or an anthropomorphic mix of the two. Some lines do carry an ancient Fey curse that makes them more violent with the phases of the moon. Those affected roam across the lands. Unwelcome and unable to settle.
